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A Cup of Tea - And New Neighbors

Published on 3/20/2016
A Cup of Tea - And New Neighbors
The occasion was an afternoon gathering on February 19th for a cup of tea and homemade treats and the conversation was lively as ideas flowed smoothly, as if a bunch of old friends had gathered to catch up. Only talk this time revolved around plans for the future of BMAV and possible interest groups, services, and events. With people coming from all corners of BMAV's boundaries, there was an opportunity for nearby neighbors to become actual neighbors - what BMAV is all about.
About half the group gathered at Sylvia Wink's home was made up of folks long involved in developing BMAV and half were newcomers, eager to learn and contribute. There was no agenda, but the discussion turned quickly to the final few pieces necessary to launch our aging-in-place village and from there to ideas for programs.
Needless to say, everyone was enthusiastic about tutoring on how to use the fancy electronic devices that have become so much a part of our lives. The conversation turned quickly to the visual feast available outside our doors through bird watching and morning walks, or the change to find nearby bridge partners for a weekly game, or readers for a book club.
There will be plenty of other opportunities to share ideas and enjoy each others' company in the coming weeks. Please stay tuned by watching for email blasts and by checking our website at