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HomeOur Supporters

Thank you for your support of Bethesda Metro Area Village!

BMAV relies on donations and donated services from neighbors, businesses, professionals and foundations in the community for the support of its programs. 

We are thankful for all our generous donors and in-kind supporters over the last twelve months. Click on the logos below for more information about the donors:

Gold Supporters ($3000 and above):

Silver Supporters ($1000 - $2999):


Bronze Supporters (up to $999):


BMAV also benefits from generous in-kind donations from local supporters:

    Image result for bethesda chevy chase regional service center       

While we are very grateful to our donors,
inclusion here is not an endorsement of their products or services. 

Do you support our mission?  Could you support us financially or with in-kind donations?  If so, please consider donating either through the site by clicking HERE or contact our office at 240-630-2628 or