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Live Well to Die Well with Chris Palmer
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Event Contact(s)
Chris Palmer
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About this event
To live well is to get ready to die well. Our daily lives create the person we will be when we die and, thus, the kind of death we will experience. This talk will explore goals, strategies, and tactics we can adopt to live meaningful, fulfilled, and productive lives. Chris will lead us in a reflection of our own lives, contemplating what matters deeply to us, considering how we find purpose and meaning, discussing personal mission statements, examining how to take better care of ourselves, and exploring how all of these practices can impact on the quality of our death.
Chris is an end-of-life activist, a trained hospice volunteer, and active in the village movement. He frequently gives pro bono presentations and workshops to community groups on aging, death, and dying issues. He founded and leads an aging, death, and dying group for the Bethesda Metro Area Village and serves on the board of several nonprofits focused on end-of-life issues, including Montgomery Hospice, Final Exit Network, the Hemlock Society, and the Maryland Office of Cemetery Oversight. He has written ten books — the latest, published by Bloomsbury on October 1, is Achieving a Good Death: A Practical Guide to the End of Life—and proceeds from all his books fund scholarships for American University (AU) students. Chris Palmer served 14 years on AU’s full-time faculty as Distinguished Film Producer in Residence. He holds advanced degrees from Harvard and University College London. Before becoming involved in end-of-life issues, he spent forty years as a wildlife and conservation filmmaker. To learn more about Chris, visit
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