BMAV is excited to offer an encore of Chris Palmer's free workshop on how to improve your life - Design Your Life for Success.
It consists of three weekly sessions on October 10, 17, 24 at 6:30 pm via Zoom. Attendance at all three classes is encouraged.
The workshop explores the goals, strategies, and tactics necessary to live a successful, fulfilled, and productive life. We reflect on our lives, discuss what really matters to us, consider how we find purpose and meaning in our lives, explore life goals, think about our values, produce personal mission statements, examine how to take better care of ourselves, and learn effective time management skills. The idea is to actively design our lives rather than simply drift forward reacting to what happens to us. It is healthy to look at the person we have become and ask if this is really who we want to be. We want to behave in ways that are true to our most honorable, generous, and best selves.
This program is co-sponsored by Sibley Memorial Hospital Senior Services and is free and open to the public, but registration is required. Register at or email or call 202-364-7602 before Oct. 1.
Chris Palmer is an author, speaker, wildlife filmmaker, conservationist, educator, professor, and grandfather. He dedicated his professional career to conservation but now devotes his life to advocating for reform in aging, death, and dying. His 10th book, Achieving a Good Death: A Practical Guide to the End of Life, will be published by Rowman & Littlefield in the fall. He serves on the board of six nonprofits, most devoted to aging and end-of-life issues. For over thirty-five years, he spearheaded the production of more than 300 hours of original programming for prime-time television and the IMAX film industry, which won him and his colleagues many awards, including two Emmys and an Oscar nomination. During his filmmaking career, he swam with dolphins and whales, came face-to-face with sharks and Kodiak bears, camped with wolf packs, and waded hip-deep through Everglade swamps. He has written nine books, the latest of which is Finding Meaning and Success: Living a Fulfilled and Productive Life, published by Rowman & Littlefield in 2021. All proceeds from Chris’s books go to fund scholarships for students at American University. Starting in 2004, Chris served on American University’s full-time faculty as Distinguished Film Producer in Residence until his retirement in 2018. While at AU, he founded and directed the Center for Environmental Filmmaking at the School of Communication. Chris was a stand-up comic for five years and has advanced degrees from London and Harvard. He has jumped out of helicopters, worked on an Israeli kibbutz, and was a high school boxing champion. Chris is currently learning to juggle, draw, dance, play tennis, and play the piano. He loves standing on his hands for exercise and keeps a daily gratitude journal.