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Tai Chi

Date and Time

Wednesday, April 19, 2023, 10:00 AM until 11:30 AM

Event Contact(s)

Elizabeth Haile


BMAV Event

Registration Info

Registration is recommended

About this event

Bethesda Metro Area Village, Bradley Hills Village and Chevy Chase At Home members are invited to weekly Tai Chi classes with internationally recognized Master Nick Gracenin teaching. This 6 week session will be structured differently with two back to back classes - you may attend one or both.

Intro to Tai Chi and Qigong: Wednesdays 10 to 10:45am
This class provides an excellent introduction to the traditional Chinese martial and wellness arts of Tai Chi and Qigong. Each session will have a seated and standing component of exercises to benefit circulation, balance, respiration, body awareness and stress reduction. The fundamental techniques of Tai Chi and a simple routine will be introduced. Suitable for folks of all abilities and accommodating for challenges. 

Ongoing Tai Chi: Wednesdays 10:45 to 11:30am
This class gets right into the routines and forms of Taijiquan (Tai Chi) without the Qigong and other warmup basics. The 10 form introductory routine and the 24 form routine will be taught, laying the foundation for further study on the traditional forms. Participants should have some grasp of the fundamentals and ability to follow well or perform the basic forms on their own.

Both classes are taught by internationally recognized master teacher Nick Gracenin of DC Tai Chi. Nick studied with many of the foremost masters in China and North America and brings great depth of experience after over 40 years as a teacher. He was captain of the USA Taijiquan Team and won 13 medals and awards in international competitions in China.

Classes will meet Wednesdays at the Town of Chevy Chase hall, 4301 Willow Lane, Chevy Chase, MD 20815, weekly April 19 - May 31 (no class April 26). The 6 week session is $75, payable onsite via cash, check, mobile payment or credit card. Chairs and reference materials will be available. Beginners through advanced practitioners are welcome. Register through your village.