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Bethesda History Walking Tour
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About this event
Ridge Line to Red Line -- 200 Years in the Life of downtown Bethesda. Wondering how much of Bethesda's history survives amidst the high rises that line Wisconsin Avenue? The answer is more than you probably think, and we'll uncover much of it as we explore how and why Bethesda came to be where and what it is today and talk about what it went through along the way. And yes, there will be lots of pictures.
Due to traffic and safety concerns, attendance is limited to 15. Reply to to claim your spot. For now, it's first come, first served -- If more than 15 sign up we’ll start a list for our next tour, planned for May.
We will be covering about 1 1/2 miles, so wear comfortable shoes and dress for the weather [e.g., sunscreen if it's a sunny day]. There will be an indoor snack and bathroom break midway through the tour.
There is no charge, though we welcome contributions and always encourage folks interested in our town’s history to join the Bethesda Historical Society: .
We start near the Bethesda Metro stop and end near Anthropologie on Bethesda Avenue. I'll send details to confirmed participants. Rain date is Sunday, April 21.