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Light, Life and Health: from Evolution to Laser Surgery

Date and Time

Tuesday, February 6, 2024, 5:00 PM




Community event

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About this event

Life evolved under the sun, which powers 99% (not all!) of life on earth. Aside from eating photosynthetic plants and other animals big and small which eat them too, our long-term relationship with the sun is wonderfully complex, and somehow balanced in ways we barely understand. For example, our vision is best at exactly the maximum wavelengths emitted by the sun, and we also have non-imaging, upward-looking, blue-light retinal cells that subconsciously tell us to sleep when the sky is no longer blue. Before distant migration and tropical vacationing, we hairless, long-lived apes evolved an unusual skin pigmentation system that adjusts itself to let enough sunlight in, but not too much.
Register with Lewes Public Library here
These talks are co-organized and moderated by Fred Dylla, Executive Director Emeritus of the American Institute of Physics and author of Scientific Journeys, Linda Dylla, former public information officer at the Jefferson Laboratory and the U.S. Department of Energy, and Colin Norman, the former News Editor at Science.
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